<![CDATA[HEALING CRYSTALS JAMAICA - Blog]]>Sat, 22 Jun 2024 17:46:56 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[MANIFEST MONEY WITH CRYSTALS]]>Sun, 19 Mar 2023 01:21:58 GMThttp://healingcrystalsjamaica.com/blog/manifest-money-with-crystals
crystaks can be powerful tools for attracting wealth and abundance into your life.
​By using crystals that correspond with the energies of the planets associated with wealth and abundance, such as Jupiter and Venus, you can tap into their power to manifest your financial goals.
To use crystals for manifesting money, it's important to choose stones that correspond with the energies of wealth and abundance. Some examples of crystals that are associated with wealth and abundance include:
  • Citrine: Known as the "stone of abundance," citrine is said to attract wealth and prosperity. It's also believed to increase motivation and self-confidence, making it easier to take action towards your financial goals.
  • Green Aventurine: This crystal is said to attract good luck and increase opportunities for financial gain. It's also believed to help release old patterns of poverty consciousness and attract abundance in all areas of life.
  • Pyrite: Often referred to as "fool's gold," pyrite is said to attract wealth and abundance. It's also believed to boost self-confidence and encourage positive thinking, which can help attract financial opportunities.
  • Tiger's Eye: This crystal is said to attract wealth and abundance, and is also believed to help increase financial stability and security.
Once you have chosen your crystals, there are several ways you can use them to manifest money:
  • Carry your chosen crystal with you or keep it in your purse or wallet. This will keep the crystal's energy close to you throughout the day, helping to attract wealth and abundance.
  • Place your crystals on your altar or in a special area of your home dedicated to manifesting wealth. This will help to create a powerful energy of abundance in your home.
  • Use your crystals in a ritual or spell. For example, you can create a money spell by writing your financial goal on a piece of paper, then placing it under a green candle and surrounding it with your chosen crystals. Light the candle, visualize your goal coming to fruition, and recite an affirmation or incantation of your choice.
  • Meditate with your crystals. Hold your chosen crystal in your hand, close your eyes and focus on your financial goal. Visualize yourself achieving your goal and feel the positive emotions that come with it.
  • Use crystals in combination with planetary magic. As mentioned before, Jupiter and Venus are associated with abundance and wealth. You can also include candles and incense of the corresponding color of the planet during the day and time of the week that the planet is strong.
It's important to remember that crystals are tools, not a replacement for effort, visualization and positive thinking. Additionally, it's important to consider the energies and correspondences of the crystals you are using and how it relates to your goal or intention.
It's also important to remember that manifesting money is a process and it may take some time before you see results. Be patient and don't get discouraged if things don't happen right away. Keep your focus on your goal and trust that the universe is working in your favor.
In conclusion, using crystals for manifesting money can be a powerful tool for attracting wealth and abundance into your life. By choosing crystals that correspond with the energies of wealth and abundance and using them in combination with planetary magic, visualization, and positive thinking, you can tap into their power to manifest your financial goals. Remember that manifesting money is a process and it may take some time before you see results. Be patient, stay positive and trust that the universe will help you manifest your desires.
<![CDATA[RELEASE AND RECHARGE BUNDLE]]>Sun, 19 Mar 2023 01:07:05 GMThttp://healingcrystalsjamaica.com/blog/release-and-recharge-bundle
Our release and recharge bundle is a powerful combination of herbs and crystals that can help you release negative energy and recharge your spirit.
​ The bundle typically includes white sage, selenite, palo santo, and bay leaf, each with their own unique properties and benefits. In this post, we will explore how to use each item in the bundle to achieve the best results.
White Sage
White sage is a sacred herb that has been used by indigenous cultures for centuries to cleanse and purify the air and energy in a space. To use white sage, light the sage bundle and let it smolder until smoke begins to rise. Use the smoke to cleanse the space of negative energy or unwanted influences. Move the smoldering sage around the room, focusing on the areas that feel particularly heavy or stagnant. As you do this, visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy or unwanted influences, leaving behind a fresh, clean energy in its wake.
Selenite is a crystal that is known for its calming and soothing properties. To use selenite, hold the crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and focus on your intention to release negative energy and recharge your spirit. Selenite can also be placed in your room or carried with you throughout the day to help maintain a positive energy flow. Its gentle, cleansing energy can help to clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace.
Palo Santo
Palo Santo is a wood that is known for its healing and cleansing properties. To use Palo Santo, light the stick and let it smolder until smoke begins to rise. Use the smoke to clear your mind and promote a positive atmosphere. Move the smoldering stick around the room, focusing on the areas that feel particularly heavy or stagnant. As you do this, visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy or unwanted influences, leaving behind a fresh, clean energy in its wake. Palo Santo has a sweet, earthy aroma that can also help to lift your mood and reduce stress.
Bay Leaf
Bay leaf is a powerful herb that can be used to help release negative energy and promote positive change. To use bay leaf, write down any negative thoughts or feelings on the leaf, and then burn it. As the leaf burns, visualize the negative energy being released from your life. Bay leaf can also be used in cooking to promote good health and vitality.
In conclusion, the release and recharge bundle is a powerful tool that can help you to release negative energy and recharge your spirit. By using the white sage, selenite, Palo Santo, and bay leaf in combination, you can create a powerful energy shift in your life. Remember to always practice safety when using these herbs, such as using a fire-safe dish or holder when burning them, and never leaving them unattended. With regular use, you can create a more positive, vibrant energy flow in your home and your life.
<![CDATA[A GUIDE TO CLEARING AND CLEANSING OBJECTS]]>Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:40:53 GMThttp://healingcrystalsjamaica.com/blog/a-guide-to-clearing-and-cleansing-objects
Throughout human history, people have believed in the presence of spirits, both benevolent and malevolent, that inhabit our surroundings. While some people are naturally sensitive to these energies, others may not be aware of their presence until it affects their well-being. This is where spiritual tools such as sage, Florida water, salt, and others come in.

When to clear objects and spaces with spiritual tools?

There are many reasons why you might want to clear an object or space of negative energy. Here are some examples:
Moving into a new home or office: Whenever you move into a new space, there may be residual energy from the previous occupants that could affect your well-being. It's a good idea to clear the space before you move in, especially if you're sensitive to energies.
After an argument or negative event: Whenever there's an argument or negative event, it can leave a residue of negative energy in the space. Clearing the space can help to restore balance and peace.
Before meditation or spiritual work: If you're planning on doing any kind of meditation or spiritual work, it's important to clear the space first. This will help to create a more conducive environment for your practice.
When you feel uneasy or uncomfortable: Sometimes, you may feel uneasy or uncomfortable in a particular space, even if you can't put your finger on why. This could be a sign that there's negative energy present that needs to be cleared.

How to clear objects and spaces with spiritual tools?

There are many different spiritual tools that you can use to clear objects and spaces of negative energy. Here are some of the most popular ones:
Sage: Burning sage, also known as smudging, is a popular way to clear negative energy. To smudge a space, light the sage and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame. Then, waft the smoke around the space, paying particular attention to corners and areas where negative energy may be trapped.
Florida water: Florida water is a type of cologne that's commonly used in spiritual practices. To use it to clear a space, you can either spray it around the room or sprinkle it on the floor and sweep it out of the room.
Salt: Salt is a powerful purifier and can be used to clear negative energy from a space. You can sprinkle salt around the perimeter of the room or use it to make a saltwater solution that you can spray around the room.
Crystals: Certain crystals, such as clear quartz, amethyst, and black tourmaline, are believed to have purifying properties. You can place them around the room to help clear negative energy.

What about secondhand objects like mirrors, furniture, and clothes?

If you're buying secondhand objects, it's a good idea to clear them of any negative energy before bringing them into your home. These objects may have been owned by someone else and may carry residual negative energy from that person.
You can do this by smudging them with sage or placing them in sunlight for a few hours. For clothes, you can wash them with saltwater or sprinkle them with salt and leave them in the sun to dry.
When it comes to furniture, you can also use salt or sage to clear them. If the furniture is made of wood, you can use a mixture of salt and water to clean them. For metal or glass furniture, you can use sage or Florida water to clear them.

What about other cleansing traditions?

Other cultures have their own traditions for clearing negative energy. For example, in African and Caribbean traditions, herbs and plants are used for spiritual cleansing in the form of baths and incense. Some examples include sage, basil, rosemary, and eucalyptus.
Feng Shui, wind chimes are used to clear negative energy and promote positive energy flow.
In Native American tradition, sweetgrass is burned to purify spaces and attract positive energies.
​In Hindu tradition, camphor is burned to purify spaces and promote spiritual growth.

Whether you choose to use herbs, water, smoke, or prayers, these techniques can help to clear negative energy and restore a sense of peace and well-being

<![CDATA[NEW MOON LOVE SPELL/RITUAL]]>Sat, 21 Jan 2023 00:47:55 GMThttp://healingcrystalsjamaica.com/blog/new-moon-love-spellritualThe new moon is a powerful time for manifestation, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. A love spell or ritual on the new moon can be an effective way to attract new love into your life, by aligning your intentions with the energies of the new moon and the planet Venus, which is associated with love and relationships.
Here is a simple love spell or ritual you can perform on the new moon to attract love, using crystals, candles and bay leaves:
  • Gather your materials: For this ritual, you will need a pink candle, a piece of rose quartz, a piece of bay leaf, and a pen or pencil.
  • Set the scene: Find a quiet and private place where you can perform your ritual undisturbed. Set up your altar with your candle, crystals, and bay leaf.
  • Cleanse and charge your crystals: Before you begin your ritual, it's important to cleanse and charge your crystals. You can do this by holding them under running water, placing them in sunlight or moonlight, or smudging them with sage.
  • Light the candle: Light your pink candle, which represents love and relationships.
  • Focus on your intention: Take a moment to focus on your intention to attract love into your life. Visualize yourself in a loving and healthy relationship, and feel the positive emotions that come with it.
  • Write your intention: Take your pen or pencil and write your intention to attract love on your bay leaf. As you write, focus on your intention and visualize it coming to fruition.
  • Hold your rose quartz: Hold your piece of rose quartz in your hand. As you hold it, focus on your intention and visualize yourself in a loving and healthy relationship.
  • Repeat an affirmation or incantation: Repeat an affirmation or incantation of your choice, such as "I am open and receptive to love" or "I am surrounded by love and light."
  • Allow the candle to burn out: Allow the candle to burn out completely, and keep the bay leaf and rose quartz close to you for the next few days.
  • Repeat the ritual every new moon: Repeat this ritual every new moon to continue to align your intentions with the energies of love and attraction.
It's important to remember that love spells and rituals are not a magic solution to attracting love, they are tools that help to align your intention with the energies of love and attraction, but the real work begins when you take action towards your goal. Also, it's important to focus on self-love, being happy and fulfilled with yourself before trying to attract someone else.
In conclusion, a love spell or ritual on the new moon can be an effective way to attract new love into your life. By aligning your intentions with the energies of the new moon and the planet Venus, and using crystals, candles, and bay leaves, you can tap into the power of manifestation to bring love into your life. Remember that love spells and rituals are tools and it's important to focus on self-love, being happy and fulfilled with yourself before trying to attract someone else.

<![CDATA[HOW TO USE CRYSTALS  TO ENHANCE YOUR LIFE]]>Mon, 25 Jan 2021 13:29:49 GMThttp://healingcrystalsjamaica.com/blog/how-to-use-crystals-to-enhance-your-life
Crystals have been used for centuries to enhance various aspects of life, from healing to meditation to energy balance. They are believed to possess unique properties and vibrations that can help improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In this blog post, we will explore how to use crystals to enhance your life and improve your overall well-being.
  1. Choose the Right Crystal for Your Needs
The first step in using crystals to enhance your life is to choose the right crystal for your needs. Each crystal has its own unique properties and vibrations, so it is essential to choose a crystal that aligns with your specific intentions. For example, if you are looking to improve your emotional well-being, you might choose a crystal like rose quartz, which is known for its soothing and calming properties. If you are looking to improve your physical well-being, you might choose a crystal like black tourmaline, which is known for its grounding and protective properties.
  1. Cleanse and Charge Your Crystals
Before using your crystals, it is essential to cleanse and charge them. Crystals can absorb negative energy and vibrations, so it is important to cleanse them before using them to ensure that they are clear and ready to work for you. You can cleanse your crystals by placing them in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, or by using a smudging technique with sage or palo santo. Once your crystals are cleansed, you can charge them by placing them in a sunny spot or by placing them on a clear quartz crystal.
  1. Incorporate Crystals into Your Daily Routine
Once you have chosen the right crystal for your needs and cleansed and charged it, you can start incorporating it into your daily routine. You can place your crystal on your nightstand or carry it with you throughout the day to keep its vibrations close to you. You can also meditate with your crystal or place it on specific areas of your body during a healing session.
  1. Trust Your Intuition
The most important thing to remember when using crystals to enhance your life is to trust your intuition. Each person's experience with crystals is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Trust your intuition and listen to your body. If you feel a connection with a certain crystal, then it is probably the right one for you.
In conclusion, crystals can be a powerful tool for enhancing your life and improving your overall well-being. By choosing the right crystal for your needs, cleansing and charging it, incorporating it into your daily routine, and trusting your intuition, you can harness the unique properties and vibrations of crystals to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Goddess Ann 
